Making a Will is a vital, if often postponed, task. In a more diverse society, the need to make a Will can take on added significance. We work with our clients to identify their particular circumstances and needs so as to ensure that their Will addresses all of those circumstances and needs. That includes:
- making provision for children or other family members with particular needs
- identifying tax and related issues arising for blended families and persons with step-children
- the appointment of testamentary guardians in case a person passes away while their children are still minors
- the appointment of trustees to manage assets of behalf of young children until they are old enough to inherit
In addition, we can advise on steps, in particular for married couples, to simplify the required administration of the Estate of a deceased spouse by practical steps such as:
- putting assets into joint names
- nominating a spouse as a beneficiary to life policies, death in service benefits, pensions etc.
The passing of a loved one can be a traumatic and stressful time. We seek to ease the burden on our clients by providing a professional, efficient and personal service to help our clients in the task of administering the Estate of their loved one.